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General Information for Members

Equipment and Kit requirements

Athletes in the Junior foundation groups do not require specialist equipment initially.  They are however expected to dress sensibly for the weather conditions and to bring a water bottle to each session.  In time Juniors may want a pair of specialist running shoes such as spikes.  Coaches are always willing to give advice.

Once Junior athletes are established in one of the older groups, they are expected to have spikes or ribbed shoes as appropriate.


All Senior Members are expected to wear footwear suitable for the distance, terrain and weather conditions. Please follow our road Running Safety Policy and Guidelines for running at night if you run with Senior Endurance.

Club kit may be purchased via our club website.  There is no compulsory kit for regular training sessions, however many of our athletes do wear club kit.  Athletes usually need to wear a club vest if they compete in external competitions.

Adverse Weather Information

Usually training sessions take place regardless of the weather. In adverse weather, e,g. snow or floods, please look at the club’s Public Facebook page or Member-only Facebook Group to find out about any changes to club training sessions.

If the University Sports Centre has to close, the Duty Manager will ring our Club Secretary and a news item will be posted to Facebook. If there is no news, training will be on as usual.

If all members follow this guidance, this minimises texts and calls to either Sports Centre Reception or club officers.

Coaches will adapt sessions according to the conditions so that they are safe for all. However whilst Juniors are not expected to have specialist footwear, older athletes should bring footwear suitable for the conditions.


The Club relies on many fantastic volunteers to run successfully. There are lots of ways in which you can get involved with the Club. Have a look at some of the opportunities below and speak to a Committee member or Coach, or contact us online, if you would like to know more.

  • Junior Group Coaching Assistants
  • Run Leaders – Senior Sessions
  • Officiating at junior and senior competitions
  • Time trials and handicap timekeeper
  • Assistance with planning and staging club events
  • Team management at Young Athletes League
  • Event entries secretary
  • Volunteer co-ordinator
  • Trophies/engraving and annual presentation evening
  • Noticeboard management and announcements
  • Equipment management
  • Planning social events
  • Fund raising/grant applications
  • Risk assessor