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Couch to 5K

The club encourages people of all ages to participate in running for fitness and enjoyment. Age , current fitness and absolute level of performance should not be seen as a barrier to run with like-minded people – for fun, or in competition, depending on your preference.

For runners (18 and over) who are novices, or coming back to the sport after an absence, we run a ten week “Couch to 5K programme”.

This course is free of charge to anybody (18 and over) in the local community. Since 2023 we have helped dozens of people complete a final 5k run.

Our overriding ethos is to be all inclusive. We do not put any pressure on the group members, and we always ensure that nobody is left behind. We encourage everyone at whatever level to achieve whatever goals they have, and support people in making running a lifestyle choice rather than a 5-minute New Years resolution!

Almost all of the people who joined our previous courses initially struggled to run for more than a minute or two when they first started. Those same people completed a 5k after 10 weeks, running continuously with relative ease, and a significant number of these people are now running between 5 and 10 miles, with a number of entries for half marathon races. This may seem a million miles away for you at this present time, and if the limit you wish to achieve is simply to run a 5k that is fine. However, please be assured, that you are capable of much more than you think, and that with our support, the limits of what you can achieve are endless!

You will see from the comments below (from previous group members) that the course comes well recommended. We’d love you to be the next person adding a comment once you’ve completed your course!